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Chile’s post Covid experience and the country’s health challenges marked the first day of Expo Hospital 2022

For three days, Expo Hospital presents the main solutions to face today’s medical problems, giving way to the development of health at national and international level.

Metropolitan Santiago presents its Executive Chef

Muñoz has been educated in France and Spain, specializing in cocktails and personnel management, and has been trained studying in Mexico and Peru, mastering various gastronomic preparations that stand out internationally.

Chile wins the Pastry America’s Cup 2022: United States (2nd) and Argentina (3rd) completed the podium

Chile won the Copa América de la Pastelería title. With the victory of the host country, represented by Alejandro Espinoza and Javiera Villegas, concludes an intense day in which the American countries were selected for the Pastry World Cup, the prestigious international pastry competition.