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Metropolitan Santiago brings together the main supply of Wedding Planners of Chile

Venues Chile, Metropolitan Santiago held the Wedding Planners networking with the presence of important producers and the National Association of Wedding and Event Planners, seeking to provide a space to share experiences and analyze collaborative work strategies, with the purpose of offering excellence in wedding planning services. Weddings and renewal of vows is a segment that returned with force with the opening of Chile, after the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is why the events and conventions center seeks to become one of the main engines for the reactivation of social events, offering new alternatives. At the event, the commercial team of the event center presented its Marriages 2023 proposal, showing its offer regarding ceremonies, gastronomy, organization and coordination, decoration, and indoor and outdoor spaces, among other details, which seek to make the venue one of the main ones in the Metropolitan Region. The event, which was attended by leading suppliers in the bridal and events area, presented its social events executive, Vanessa Bravo, and its executive chef, Víctor Muñoz Latapiat. Likewise, the company highlighted the importance of accompanying the bride and groom before and during the celebration, being the marriage an instance with an infinite number of details and preparations that requires a synchronization that must go to the rhythm of the bride and groom and of the event itself. Metropolitan Santiago hopes to become the epicenter of romance tourism in Santiago de Chile, being one of its strategic bets for this year 2023. The event was attended by Concha y Toro, a company that collaborated by offering its services and products, which were received by the attendees.

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Municipality of Vitacura officially hands over the concession of a renowned event center to GL events

As of this Sunday, GL events Chile now has the administration of Metropolitan Santiago, convention center located on Avenida San Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Vitacura.

Anne Carrere arrives at Metropolitan Santiago on Saturday, September 2nd

French music singer Anne Carrere returns to Santiago de Chile to delight Chileans with her new show “Piaf by Anne Carrere”, a show that pays tribute to the musical hits of one of the most important singers in history: Edith Piaf.

Metropolitan Santiago Announced: Project will enhance sustainability and community relations in Chile

GL events, the new concessionaire of the world-class meeting center located in the Vitacura district, will seek to be an exponent in events and services, taking care of the environment and inviting the community to be part of events at no cost.
