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Metropolitan Santiago brings together the main supply of Wedding Planners of Chile

Venues Chile, Metropolitan Santiago held the Wedding Planners networking with the presence of important producers and the National Association of Wedding and Event Planners, seeking to provide a space to share experiences and analyze collaborative work strategies, with the purpose of offering excellence in wedding planning services.

Expo Andes: International congress to analyze the development and new challenges of the mountain industry

The international fair and congress Expo Andes, to be held between October 12 and 14 in Metropolitan Santiago, will bring together professionals, companies and institutions of tourism and mountain safety in South America, to analyze the progress, conflicts and development of the industry.

Municipality of Vitacura officially hands over the concession of a renowned event center to GL events

As of this Sunday, GL events Chile now has the administration of Metropolitan Santiago, convention center located on Avenida San Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Vitacura.