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Paloma San Basilio "Te lo digo con música" Tour.

17 Marzo 2023 Metropolitan Santiago

Paloma San Basilio, who throughout her career has sold more than 16 million records, is the most important artist: singer, actress and painter that Spain has delivered to the world. A woman, owner of a masterful voice that does not change over the years. A kind and talented lady, with an unmatched track record. In 2022 the "Te lo digo con Música" tour sold out performances in countries such as Spain, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Panama and the United States. Now he returns to Chile to perform two wonderful concerts, which are part of his "Te lo digo con Música" Tour. “No llores por mí Argentina”, “Luna de miel”, “Porque me abandonaste”, “Juntos” y “Cariño mío” will be just a few songs with which the Spanish singer will reunite with the Chilean public. Buy Tickets
