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Expo Vivienda 2023

December 01 to 03, 2023 Metropolitan Santiago

Expo Vivienda 2023 December 01 to 03, 2023 Metropolitan Santiago The most important real estate exhibition in Chile, Expo Vivienda 2023, will be held for the first time at the Metropolitan Santiago convention center in the Vitacura district, bringing together in one place real estate companies, construction companies, banks and financial institutions from December 1 to 3, 2023. The 25th real estate and financing fair for housing, design and equipment for your home, organized by FISA, of Grupo GL events, will bring together the supply of apartments, houses and plots from 2,000 UF, offering various alternatives for financing. The event will feature more than 100 real estate projects, with options to buy in green, in white, and with immediate delivery. With the possibility of accessing benefits, discounts and payment methods, this year visitors will find opportunities to learn about and compare real estate projects in Santiago and other regions of the country. They will also be able to reserve or buy during the fair, contact financial institutions, real estate agents and builders directly, and find out about the different financing alternatives. https://www.feriaexpovivienda.cl/
